Learn Linux: proftpd Cheatsheet
This is a cheatsheet of Linux commands for installing proftpd. If you need a more detailed guide, check out: Installing and Configuring ftp with proftpd Install proftpd: ...
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This is a cheatsheet of Linux commands for installing proftpd. If you need a more detailed guide, check out: Installing and Configuring ftp with proftpd Install proftpd: ...
This linux tutorial will teach you how to setup proftpd on debian and configure it correctly. Setting up FTP on your server is one of the most common practises you can do; it allow ...
We use this blog to post about business and entreprenuership, since that's exactly what we're all about! Our aim is to create useful information about starting your own ...
Add a user to your system: adduser <username> Add a user to your system with a specific home directory adduser --home <directory> <username> Add a ...
User Management in Linux is made easy by using a few simple commands. This tutorial will go over some of the basic commands and also explain a few concepts of the user system. W ...
To find out your server version, kernel version and other information: uname -a To find out the current Linux version lsb_release -a ...
Using SSH, we can find the Linux version using two simple commands. Want the cheatsheet version? Cheatsheet Linux Commands: uname If you're like me, you often have to SSH ...