
May Income Report - 2017

This is my 12th Income Report in which I detail how much money I made online this month.

These reports are designed to show you that it is possible to make money online. I also want to use them to give myself motivation to meet targets, describe new challenges and achievements. Every month I’ll post reports of my google analytics, income stats and more.

The 12th Income Report is finally here. Back in my June 2016 Income Report, I had a small feeling that I would probably never make it to a year's worth of income reports because I have a habit of sometimes starting things and never seeing them through. I'm actually really proud to have done them and reading back on some of my older ones I can really see a difference. They read almost like my own personal diary entries, except that you all can read in on them. I definitely recommend giving them a go.

It's now the middle of June and I'm finally sitting down to write this report. The reason it's so late is because at the beginning of May I decided to spend my free time recoding the entire blog. I never planned to do this- I was just getting very frustrated with WordPress and how slow it was becoming that I just really wanted to change it. You can read my Welcome To New Blog post for more details.

So that took up all of my spare time and thus my other articles got sidetracked a little.

I did manage to finally finish my Titan update. This was a huge update and took almost a month to complete; I had revamped some of the code in the admin panel, added in Live Chat and converted the quotes system into the Leads system. I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I really feel Titan is a great project management system.

May was the last month I spent abroad, so I am now back in the UK for good! Getting settled in and working from my office rather than my bed feels a whole lot better. I did miss a couple of weeks off work due to doing my final trips around the south of France and making the most of it whilst I was there.

Packing up all our stuff was a nightmare. We had no trouble taking our stuff to France via plane, but on the way back, we had seemed to have accumulated a whole other suitcase worth of stuff. Our luggage was overweight at airport security so we had to pay for an extra suitcase. Carrying a couple of 30KG suitcases in 29 degrees heat was not fun either!

May concludes my first 12 income reports. They were actually 12 really important months in terms of my online business because so much has changed since I started them. If my sales hadn't have improved since dropping freelancing, I'm not too sure I would still be blogging. I've been very lucky to be able to work on what I want to do. I wonder how much different the next 12 will be.


Source Earnings Last Month
CodeCanyon $2,294.86 +13.5%  (+$273.11)
Freelance $500.00 -54.9% (-$610)
Affiliate $0.00 -100% (-$5.99)
Total $2,794.86 -10.9% (-$342.88)

Slightly lower than last months, mainly due to less freelancing work. I know I've said I am trying not to focus on freelancing work as much anymore but this was an exception;  the client had their site hacked and needed me to investigate the cause and fix the issues.

No Affiliate earnings this month, but not really expecting much from that source. I am working on some new software for my blog that will hopefully help me with affiliate products.

CodeCanyon results increased slightly, which means another month earning over $2,000 (my goal for the end of the year!). I have been reviewing my products and I don't have any plans for new ones at the moment as I'm focusing on adding updates to existing ones.

Finally, since this is the 12th income report, I decided to show a small table of the overall incomes from each month. I think my most worrying moment was in September/October period where I had just dropped all my freelancing work and had just released a new product (Titan). If in the coming months, Titan didn't do well, this whole experiment could have been a disaster.

My highest month came in April, with the help of Freelance work boosting my overall earnings to over 3000+. Over the next 12 months I really want to try and be hitting this number a few more times.

Overall I'm happy with the progress that has been made. You can see the increase in Codecanyon earnings since I started fulltime; and now that I have an even better grasp on my products I feel like this next 12 months will be even interesting with lots of potential.

Month CodeCanyon Freelance Total Report Link
June 2016 670.00 1,000.00 1,670.00 Report
July 2016 624.17 800.00 1424.17 Report
August 2016 608.65 800.00 1408.65 Report
September 2016 617.06 400.00 1017.06 Report
October 2016 684.74 220.00 904.74 Report
November 2016 1,292.00 0 1292.00 Report
December 2016 1,497.00 860.00 2357.00 Report
January 2017 2,370.11 180.00 2550.11 Report
February 2017 1,510.69 400.00 1910.69 Report
March 2017 2,406.37 230.00 2636.37 Report
April 2017 2,021.75 1110.00 3131.75 Report
May 2017 2,294.86 500.00 2794.86 Report

Traffic Report

Traffic increased again in the month of May. I'm starting to hit over 100 unique hits a day, which has been a personal goal of mine ever since I started this blog. Now that the recode is out of the way, I'm going to continuing writing and making articles to hopefully push this number even higher.

Time Report

Another month where I didn't meet my time targets. This time doesn't include any of the spare time I have spent working on my blog or freelance hours. In May I spent a whole week helping a client fix their hacked site and I also took off a lot of days to finish my travelling abroad. With June coming, it remains to be seen with how much work I get done since I'll be settling back into life at home. Normally these months are quite busy for me because family from all over the world descend upon us. I'm hoping to get some good hours in though!

June Plans

As of writing this, it's the middle of June already. So my plans for this month have sort of gone out the window anyway. The Titan update took up a lot of time to complete (I finally finished it at the start of June) and getting the new blog out happened too.

For the rest of the month I'm focusing on a new Pro Schools update. This update will improve upon the Parent relationship with students and also include School reports which have been requested by users. Pro School sales haven't been what I'd hope for, so I'm hoping this new update will give them a boost.

I'm also working on the blog in my spare time; right now I am working on an affiliate script that will allow me to place affiliated products on popular blog posts, which are use targeted/related products to the content. We'll see if this increases my affiliate earnings over the next couple of months.

I don't forsee completing the Pro School update before the end of the month, so I don't think I'll have time to start anything else.

I hope you all are doing well; it's the summer here in England and blimey it's hot. Most houses in the UK don't have AC, including mine, so right now I'm dying from the heatwave.



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August Income Report - 2017

August Income Report 2016

February Income Report - 2018

March Income Report - 2018


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