
Pro Polls Preview

Our newest product, Pro Polls, is about to get released! We’ve been working on this product for the last two months, but really its been a combination of the past 5 or so that’s helped shaped it. We used our Pro Login software as a base and then built on top of that a great Polling platform.

Users can create unlimited polls and place them on their websites via an iFrame code. It comes with real-time results options, add images to answers, allow multiple votes per poll, great presentation of statistics and more.

It also uses our micro-transaction feature which was built into pro login. An Admin can limit the amount of votes free polls can have and then create plans which increase those limits. Users can then pay via PayPal for these plans, allowing you to make a profit from the site.

Below are a few screenshots of the system in action, it comes in two themes: Dark and Light.

Once this is released, we’ll be updating some of our other products and making sure we fix any reported bugs.

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"Once this is released, we’ll be updating some of our other products and making sure we fix any reported bugs."
Glad to hear that ! I wait for you to include daily automatic email with current status to admin and to worker (that are behind scedule) into Project Box . This is my only wish to otherways perfect program for my small taeam managment - please add this, so my workers wont have excuse that they forget "to check " because "they must login into software" ....





It's a good suggestion! I'll definitely see what I can do for you. Do you have an email address?




yes, sure : matjaz at ebax dot si




thats me :


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